Interrupting their fantasy is a woman screaming. There’s a fire! Skeletiano is frozen in fear.
He says he remembers how he died.
He worked at a theater. The theater caught on fire. The reason he’s only bones in Niflheim is because his body burned in the flames.
He seems upset about it, but in total Skeletiano fashion, doesn’t let it keep him down for long. He says his bones are strong, his bones can’t be burned, therefore he can help!
He runs into the burning building and helps save people.
He says he doesn’t think there’s anyone left in there, but he has to make sure.
A. Be careful.
B. I’m going, too.
What sort of choice is this? I’m not bones, I would burn up!
While Skeletiano is in the building, Pale Ghost comes. She asks him about the potion again, and he says the Great Wizard has it.
Ah, the Great Wizard. He’s a wizard, and he’s great, so the Great Wizard.
That’s like, literally what they said when they told us about him. He does wizardly things, he’s good at it, hence Great Wizard.
Well, let’s be off to see the Wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of Oz! wrong game
Anyway, Pale Ghost hands us a map of places the wizard visits frequently.
A map.
m a p
Pale Ghost drops some bombs before he goes.
“Maybe he’ll remember all sorts of things about his past when he gets his memory back.”
“Isn’t having your memory restored a good thing?”
“Not always…”
Ohhhh man he hands us a map and drops some horrible foreshadowing. What dark things lie in our Skellie-poo’s past?!
Skellie comes back and we’re presented with a choice.
A. Tell him about the ghost.
B. Don’t tell him about the ghost.
This is a relationship built upon HONESTY. Of course I’m telling him.
Robin tells him that Pale Ghost mentioned he might remember more things when he gets his body back. Skellie says that’s no problem, it’s not like he has any BIG SECRETS after all.
Except instead of girl it’s foreshadowing and the guy is Niflheim’s writer and I just made this joke way too complicated didn’t I?
She tells him about the map and they’re off to go find him. BUT FIRST
They’re good southern folk, you see, and you cannot go unannounced to someone’s abode without bringing some sort of present as compensation and show of good faith.
Robin suggests a tea set. Skellie says he only drinks coffee. She suggests a coffee cup. Skellie’s sure he has a million. As they’re pondering what to get, they hear Kanye and Orlando.
They’re shopping for the old zombie’s death day. If he’s a character, I don’t remember him. Oops. Thankfully the game reminds me that he’s been serving Jean practically all of his umm death? death life? After life? Second life?
Skellie asks Kanye if he knows anything about the Wizard’s likes and dislikes. Kanye asks why and Skellie says that he’s going to prove the better man by literally becoming one again.
Kanye tells him the wizard collects stuffed animals and hands Skellie a teddy bear. Orlando asks why this is going on and Kanye tells him that Bones and Robin love each other, get with the times you idiot everyone knows.
That shoves that Sequoia-sized stick further up Orlando’s ass and he gets all pissy. “You’re a retainer” “You know she’s the king’s fiance” “waaah waaah wahhhh”
Robin jumps to Skellie’s defense and says she’s the one who fell in love with him. It’s her fault. Then Skellie replies that he’s so happy to hear that and he loves her so much too, then she responds that she’s just so in love with him that hearing things like that makes her even happier and OH GOD GET A ROOM
Their disgusting display turns Orlando off and he and Kanye leave. Orlando tells Kanye this is his fault for letting her run wild without discipline.
I…. I actually like Kanye for once!?
Orlando: … Your highness, why are you so calm about this? I thought you would be violently angry or cry or something along those lines.
Kanye: Just who do you think I am?
Orlando: A big baby.
HAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA okay a broken clock is correct twice a day.
Kanye tells him he’s curious how their love will turn out. As a human girl and skeleton, it’s an inter-species love. (Yes, he actually said that @_@) Orlando reminds Kanye that Skellie was a human at one point. Kanye says he just wants to see them overcome their obstacles and realize true love. If they can do that, he’ll start believing in true love too.
Meanwhile Skellie and Robin are off to see the wizard. The wizard is selling hot dogs to passer bys. Yes, you read that correctly. The mighty powerful wizard is basically operating a food truck. They talk to him about the potion, but he says he only made a small amount. Skellie promises to keep the potion a secret if he gives him some potion. The wizard says he won’t do it for free, so they give him the teddy bear. The wizard asks what it’s for and Skellie says that they heard he likes to collect them.
The wizard starts laughing. He doesn’t.
Ooooo Kanye, you little sneaky jerkface!
Skellie offers money, but the wizard doesn’t like that either. He asks for the most important thing in the world to Skellie. Skellie says he needs to go home and get something and leaves. The wizard asks why he wants to be human all of a sudden, and Robin tells him that they’ve fallen in love. This surprises the wizard.
And then we’re hit with a Love Challenge. I don’t have enough points, so I guess this is all for today! See you soon, again, hopefully.
OK, so I love that Niflheim is so blatantly ridiculous but self-aware about it.
MC is so hilariously gross with Skellie, and judging by his behavior in Philipe’s route that’s all he wants in life.
Yeah, they’re that obnoxious couple you just want to yell SHAT UP constantly
I honestly don’t blame Kanye and Orlando for leaving I know I would have too
But it’s still cute to read 😀