Semi-Daily Let’s Play — Niflheim+ Skeletiano 05

We last left off at…

Robin: U-uh… I-Into, you say…

Kanye: Y-You’re blusing! Don’t go lying on me now!

Robin then goes on to say Skeletiano is a friend, emphasis on the word friend. Kanye is relieved Skeletiano is just friend-zoned, after all, who could love a sack of bones?

I could love a sack of bones easy but I would not want to cuddle a pile of bones ooouch owie owie

Anyway, his words piss Robin the fuck off

Choice Time
Skeletiano is a man, too.
Skeletiano is a wonderful skeleton.


Well, this is easy. He’s a wonderful skeleton. He’s not a man, he’s a skeleton.

Kanye assures us he’s just SO MUCH BETTER than bones and like, whatever, we know the truth, dont’ we, readers?

Tomorrow there’s going to be a parade, titled, quote “Happy La Dee Da” and Kanye wants us to chill. The event makes Robin excited and she doesn’t sleep well. She wakes up early and goes to the dining room where Skeletiano also is. He notes that she looks chipper this morning and Robin says she’s excited about the parade, noting he seems to notice every little detail about her.

awww my bb skelliepoo

aaaaaaaaaaand friendzoned

but even so, hearing that makes her happy

Just as she’s about to ask about his past life, there’s an earth-shattering KA-BOOM!

Robin crashes into the china cabinet and plates start to fall on her.


Our intrepid hero pulls out a rib and swats the offending plates away.

pulls out a rib and swats the offending plates away.

pulls out a rib and swats

pulls out a rib

but alas, he is not without harm

a golden platter has struck his head

and chipped a bone




But Robin does it anyway.


Skeletiano is flustered and is all “it’s only a joke omg you actually kissed me”, she’s flustered now because it was only a joke omg she actually kissed him and there’s another KABOOM and enter Kanye


and he whisks Robin off to go watch the parade.

So, Parade La Dee Da da or whatever it’s called is like weird mix of a normal masquerade ball and Holi

That actually sounds really fun~yassss

And I’m all out of story tickets. See you next time!

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