The voice we left off hearing last chapter belonged to none other than… King Jean! MC whirls around to find the king staring dead at Nick. Well, for a moment.
King: “Huh? I could swear I just saw someone.”
Well, that was short-lived. MC quietly asks Nick if the king really saw him, and we get to choose her wording. The options are “Did you make eye contact?” or “Do you think he sees you?” I chose the first one. Nick confirms that the king definitely looked at him, and he and MC discuss it briefly while Jean stares at her and wonders if he picked a bride that hallucinates. Or, worse yet, if HE’S become addled.
MC has a thought, and encourages Nick to speak to the king. She has a hunch that he can at least feel Nick’s presence.
Nick: “Can you… see me?”
The King clearly hears Nick, which encourages Nick to keep talking. Unfortunately, Nick gets TOO excited and just starts chatting away until the king asks him to slow down. Nick apologizes and continues to explain who he is and what he’s doing there. Once he’s done, MC asks the king if he has any idea what the “frightful thing” that Nick anticipates could be.
King: “Nope!”
MC: “(Internally) Of course… ”
MC: “Then, do you know if the cause of the moon’s disappearance have anything to do with Nick?”
King: “You’re asking ME? Hell if I know.”
MC: “(Internally) Of course.”
MC is 100% out of faith in this manchild.
Jean continues that what he REALLY wants to talk about is how Nick’s apparently been spending lots of time with MC. He’s jealous, apparently. She assures him that the relationship isn’t romantic,. What she SHOULD be saying is, “You have a harem, your opinion is invalid,” but that’s none of my business. *sips beer*
At this point Nick realizes that this goof is MC’s fiance, and he tries to act happy for her with middling success. Jean asks what Nick can do to make himself visible, as if he wouldn’t have done it already. Nick says he doesn’t have a clue, and to his credit the king takes it in stride.
Alright, Jean, I’ll give you that one.
We cut to a few days later, when the king summons MC, Nick, Skeletiano, Orlando and J.J. to his throne room. He says he’s there to discuss how Nick thinks his appearance may be connected to the moon problem, and MC is a little too impressed that he’s been thinking about it at all. Lowered expectations are a magical thing. Skeletiano, Orlando and J.J. still have no clue who Nick is, so MC attempts to describe him. “He’s a transparent fellow… with the most beautiful facial features.” Skeletiano complains that this Nick could steal his schtick, which results in a deafening silence from all present.
Oh, Skeletiano. We know you’re a stone cold fox. Isn’t that right, Marvelle?
Yes, that’s right!
The King tells the group to figure this moon thing out and promptly shoos them out of the throne room. Wait, seriously? That’s it?!
Out in the courtyard, Orlando asks if Nick is present. Nick states that they can’t see him. First drinking game hit of the night. Bottoms up.
Skeletiano wants to clarify that MC is definitely not just talking to herself. MC admits it must look silly, and the group ponders things for a few minutes. MC finally comes up with an answer that probably shouldn’t have taken more than one minute to come up with: she takes a ribbon from her dress and puts it on Nick. We get to pick wrist or hair as a ribbon location. As cute as a hair ribbon would be, I’d like to leave the man some dignity. I chose wrist. Nick is delighted and comments on how nice the ribbon is. Cute!
It works! Everyone now sees a ribbon floating in mid-air, and MC and Nick are extremely jazzed. Nick insists on giving MC a gift in return, so they excuse themselves and head to Bone Mountain. There, Nick presents a hand mirror to her. He says he’s never gotten a gift before, which is pretty sad. She tries to explain that it’s a bit out of proportion in comparison to a simple ribbon she already had on her, but he insists she accept it. She does, and he thanks her. She says it’s silly to thank someone for accepting a gift, but he thanks her again anyway. Then she thanks him again and… well, it’s a cute interaction. What? How would you recap two people thanking each other back and forth?
A few days later, Nick and MC hear a strange rumor about a nearby place called Bald Mountain.
Sounds like an ideal vacation spot. In any case, word has it a strange hole has opened up there. MC asks Nick if he wants to play detective, and he’s interested in having a look. On the way out of the castle they meet Skeletiano, then Orlando, and then J.J. Before they know it they’ve got themselves a little questing party!
Upon their arrival at Bald Mountain, everyone is immediately unsettled by the atmosphere. MC wavers a bit, and Nick steadies her. She admits she’s quite scared, and Nick agrees that it’s frightening. For once, though, it’s Nick with the positive outlook. He’s there with friends. It’s a new sensation that’s lent him strength, and he feels much safer than he would otherwise.
Holding hands, they head onto Bald Mountain.
Chapter thoughts: Look at our little gothic baby learning the power of friendship.
Drinks consumed: 1 bottle of Blue Moon First Peach Ale. Tastes like the fuzz of the peach infused into a wheat beer. 2/5